

Discover the Future of 3D...

The Advantages of Digital Spaces Over Traditional Rendering

Dive into the world of Digital Spaces, the next step in immersive 3D visualization.

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Nathaniel C.


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Discover the Future of 3D Visualization with Digital Spaces

In the realm of architectural visualization and real estate, the quest for more immersive, interactive, and realistic presentations has led to the evolution of traditional virtual tours into what is now becoming popularly known as a Digital Space. This new paradigm is transforming the way we interact with spaces before they are built.

Here's our rundown of the top reasons why to create a Digital Space over traditional rendering.

1. Immersive Experience

Traditional Renderings and Animations: While animations add a dynamic element to traditional renderings by providing a guided tour of the design, they still limit the viewer to a pre-determined path, offering a passive viewing experience.

Digital Spaces: Contrastingly, provide a fully interactive and immersive 3D environment. Users can explore every aspect of the design at their own pace and according to their interests, gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of the space.

2. Accessibility and Collaboration

Traditional Renderings and Animations: Both are typically shared as static files or videos, which can be cumbersome for collaborative review and feedback, especially with larger files or when trying to illustrate specific details.

Digital Spaces: Enable real-time online sharing and collaboration. All stakeholders can access, navigate, and discuss the digital space from anywhere, making the design process more inclusive and efficient.

3. Leveraging Existing 3D Models

Traditional Renderings and Animations: Demand extensive effort to create detailed visuals or animations, often resulting in a single use or perspective of the 3D model.

Digital Spaces: Allow for the full utilization of 3D models by transforming them into interactive, navigable experiences. This maximizes the return on the investment made in creating detailed 3D models.

4. Workflow Compatibility

Traditional Renderings and Animations: Require a specific set of skills and can be time-consuming to produce, especially for high-quality animations that need detailed scripting, lighting, and rendering.

Digital Spaces: Fit naturally into existing 3D modeling workflows with compatible tools and platforms, making them a logical extension of the design process without the additional complexity of producing animations.

5. Economic Benefits

Traditional Renderings and Animations: Animations, in particular, are significantly more expensive and time-consuming to produce than still renderings. They require more computational resources and expertise, translating to higher costs for clients.

Digital Spaces: Offer a cost-effective alternative with their ability to be easily updated and modified. They provide a more dynamic and engaging experience than still renderings and are more economical to produce compared to animations, offering a better value proposition for both creators and clients.

6. Accelerated Sales for Real Estate Owners

Traditional Renderings and Animations: Provide valuable visual aids but might not fully convey the potential of a property. Animations offer a more dynamic view but are costly and still don't offer interactive exploration.

Digital Spaces: Greatly enhance the real estate marketing and sales process. The interactive nature of a Digital Space allows prospective buyers to explore properties at their own pace, leading to faster decision-making and increased buyer confidence. This can significantly shorten sales cycles and enhance the overall presentation of properties.


Digital Spaces present a compelling alternative to both traditional still renderings and animations in architectural visualization and real estate marketing. They provide immersive, interactive experiences that enhance understanding and engagement. The compatibility of Digital Spaces with existing workflows, coupled with their economic efficiency and the accelerated sales process they facilitate, makes them an increasingly popular choice. As technology continues to evolve, Digital Spaces are set to become a mainstay, offering innovative ways to visualize, interact with, and understand design and space.

We hope you join us in this journey to usher in a new era of visualization with Digital Spaces. Create an account today

Last Updated

January 7, 2024

Ready to create a Digital Space?